Since the early beginnings of the show, PAX has been proactive about creating and implementing policies that ensure a safe and fun environment for attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and Enforcers alike. Many of you have seen the condensed “Six Rules of PAX” circulated each and every show, but this page is dedicated to explaining each of them in their intent and use as well as our other safety and security policies, including our Booth Babe Policy, our Weapons Check policy, and our policies specific to the Expo Hall.
If at any point you feel unsafe at PAX or that any of the rules have been broken, we ask that you inform an Enforcer or member of PAX staff immediately. Your safety is our primary concern, and if you feel that safety has been compromised, we will do everything in our power to rectify the issue. Issues of violence and harassment are addressed immediately, with guarded “Safe Areas” being designated in case any incidents do arise.
If you feel any concerns about your safety prior to the show, please email us at [email protected].
- 1. Drugs are bad
- 2. Don't steal
- 3. Don't punch or kick people
- 4. No cheating
- 5. Don't harass anyone
- 6. Don't mess with things that aren't yours
Policy Overview
Illegal substances will not be tolerated at PAX. If you are caught buying, using or dealing illegal drugs while at the show, remediation steps will be taken. If you are under the influence of legal drugs and are in any way interfering with other attendees and their ability to enjoy PAX, we reserve the right to escort you from the premises with potentially even more severe remediation consequences.
Illegal substances or illegal drugs: Any drug which is not legally obtained as defined by local laws. Any prescribed medication that has not been legally obtained; any prescribed medication not being used in its intended dosage or for its intended purpose; any over-the-counter medication being used at a dosage level other than the recommended manufacturer levels.
Any violation of said rule with illegal substances while on PAX premises will have one or more of the following steps taken: Onsite security and police will be notified in accordance with all state laws and governing procedures, badges will be revoked, violators will be removed from the premises, and a ban on future shows will be given.
Anyone found consuming alcohol outside of regulated areas will be asked to leave the premises immediately.
Anyone whose alcohol consumption is found to be negatively impacting the enjoyment of the show or others will be asked to leave the premises immediately with the possibility of badge removal and a ban from future events.
Any and all information relating to drug or alcohol abuse or the identification of persons as users of drugs and alcohol will be treated by PAX as confidential unless otherwise required by law, overriding public health and safety concerns, or authorized by the parties in question.
PAX has a strict ‘no booth babe’ policy with the purpose of creating an environment where everyone can feel comfortable and welcome, and the focus is on games, not hired booth staff.
Booth babes are defined as staff of ANY gender used by exhibitors to promote their products at PAX by using overtly sexual or suggestive methods. Partial nudity, the aggressive display of chest and the navel, and shorts/skirts higher than 4” above the knee are not allowed. If for any reason an exhibit and/or its contents are deemed objectionable to PAX management, the exhibitor will be asked to alter the attire of its staff.
Cosplayed characters that are playable in-game are an exception to this rule (within reason), and exhibitors must obtain permission from show management prior to the show.
If for any reason an exhibit and/or its contents are deemed objectionable to PAX management, the exhibitor will be asked to alter the attire of its staff or remove those staff from the show.
Cosplaying attendees are not subject to the "booth babe" policies but may be asked to alter or modify their costume if it is deemed inappropriate, at Show Management's sole and absolute discretion.
For safety reasons, the following are not allowed to be used specifically inside the expo hall:
- Strollers (they may be carried)
- Stilts
- Remote controlled vehicles
- Rollerskates, rollerblades, and other forms of recreational wheeled transport
- Given the crowd density, situations that require mass egress would be restricted by these devices.
- Stopping in Expo Hall aisles for cosplay photos is not permitted.
PAX has a strict ‘no booth babe’ policy with the purpose of creating an environment where everyone can feel comfortable and welcome, and the focus is on games, not hired booth staff.
Booth babes are defined as staff of ANY gender used by exhibitors to promote their products at PAX by using overtly sexual or suggestive methods. Partial nudity, the aggressive display of the chest and the navel, and shorts/skirts higher than 4” above the knee are not allowed. If for any reason an exhibit and/or its contents are deemed objectionable to PAX management, the exhibitor will be asked to alter the attire of its staff.
Cosplayed characters that are playable in-game are an exception to this rule (within reason), and exhibitors must obtain permission from show management prior to the show.
If for any reason an exhibit and/or its contents are deemed objectionable to PAX management, the exhibitor will be asked to alter the attire of its staff or remove those staff from the show.
Cosplaying attendees are not subject to the "booth babe" policies but may be asked to alter or modify their costume if it is deemed inappropriate, at Show Management's sole and absolute discretion.
Hate symbols are not permitted at PAX, and PAX will not allow any cosplay, props, clothing, etc. which we determine contain, or are suggestive of, hate symbols. This includes, but is not limited to, historical, game-related, and/or satirical costumes associated with Nazis or other hate groups. PAX shall have sole discretion in determining what constitutes a hate symbol or hate group.
No functional props or weapons are allowed at PAX. Simulated or costume weapons are allowed as a part of your costume, subject to prior approval by convention staff (Enforcers) and compliance with the following rules:
- All costume props and weapons must be inspected and will be "peace bonded" by an Enforcer at the Information booth.
- Live firearms including airsoft, either functioning or de-commissioned, are not permitted.
- Replica firearms made from metal, solid resin/plastic/rubber are not permitted.
- All firearm costume props and weapons must be rendered inoperable and are required to have an orange safety tip at all times.
- Any bow-type weapons must be unstrung or strung with a low-tensile thread. All prop arrows must have soft, non-metal, blunted tips made out of foam or cardboard only.
- Metal swords, knives & spears are not permitted. Any sharp implements are likewise not permitted (to include needles, syringes, ceramic blades).
- Stilts and costumes which include stilts may be prohibited from certain convention areas. Be aware that you may be asked to remove them.
- Costume weapons are for fun! Enjoy your costume, but do not strike, swing at or brandish weapons at other attendees.
PAX strives to be an accessible convention. PAX is completely wheelchair accessible and, upon request, will provide sign language interpreters. Requests for sign language interpreters should be made at least two weeks before the first day of PAX. Additionally, we have medical passes to help with special accommodations getting into panels and the like. If you are attending a panel and have a Medical Pass, please arrive at the theatre early. You can apply for a Medical Pass for yourself and a plus 1. To request a Medical Pass or sign language interpreter, please email [email protected].
The safety and security of our staff, exhibitors, and attendees is our priority. We work closely with the venue, corporate security, state, local, and federal law enforcement authorities to identify risks, assess them and develop security plans for our events.
We have established a security room at our shows to ensure effective communication and response.
Everyone attending the Show should be aware of the following security measures:
- Security will be onsite at all times to assist you during all aspects of the Show
- Everyone must wear their Show badge at all times. This includes exhibitors, vendors, attendees, guests (speakers, talent, artists), professionals, press, staff, and crew.
- A fully operational security team following our vetted procedures is in place at the Show
- Bag checks may occur at the Show
- Walkthrough or handheld scanners may be used at the Show
- Any CCTV in operation at the Show is monitored and recorded
- Uniformed and undercover security may be in attendance at the Show
- Uniformed and undercover Police may be in attendance at the Show
- Canine Security and Detection may be used in or around the Show
Everyone attending is requested to:
- Keep personal property with you at all times and do not leave any items unattended
- If you see something, say something. Report anything that looks unusual, suspicious, or out of place to Show staff or security immediately
- Remain patient and courteous during security checks and follow the instructions of Show staff and security at all times
- Properly dispose of your Show badge inside the venue or keep it as a souvenir – please do not sell it to scalpers or throw it away in trash cans outside the venue where it could be picked up
- Carry a valid form of photo ID at all times
As part of the RX commitment to health and wellness, we’ve implemented guidelines and requirements based on local, state, and federal public health guidance, independent advisors, and the input of our venue partners to help support a safe and comfortable experience. Every “participant” in any RX event in any manner whatsoever, including, but not limited to, all exhibitors, attendees, speakers, guests, professionals, media, staff members, workers, contractors, vendors, security, or anyone else who participates should review the details, requirements, and links below to better understand what to expect at the event.
RX has worked closely with our venue partners to ensure that cleaning and sanitization standards meet or exceed the recommendations of public health authorities. More information about the venue’s commitment to public health & safety is available on the venue website.
Please contact event or venue staff or security in the event you require medical or emergency assistance. Medical services, including emergency medical technicians and a first aid room are available on-site.
In case of cardiac arrest, or other serious emergency such as a fire, dial the PCC Command Center at 215-418-4911. Give your name, type of emergency and the exact location of the incident (be as specific as possible). Please see the venue website for more information on building rules, operational policies and emergency services.
Please do not come to the event if you are not feeling well. All participants must review and confirm they are able to comply with the Health & Safety Acknowledgement below prior to arriving at the event. Anyone who is not feeling well or begins to experience illness at any time during the event should contact and follow the guidance of their physician.
Please be advised that a risk of exposure to communicable disease, including COVID-19 exists in any event or public space, including the event. Prior to registering for and attending the event, please ensure you have read the latest public health guidance for the location of the event. By attending the event, you acknowledge this inherent risk on behalf of yourself and/or any Minor attending the event for which you serve as Guardian (collectively, “You”) and, as a condition of entering the event, You acknowledge, understand and confirm you will abide by all terms of admission and participation (as may be updated from time to time) and event health-and-safety requirements, all local public health regulations and guidance from the relevant city and/or state which are in effect at the time of entry, and, where applicable, provide proof of compliance with any event entry requirements.
For purposes of this acknowledgement, a “Minor” means any individual who under eighteen (18) years of age or has not reached the age of majority as defined by such individual’s jurisdiction of residence, and a “Guardian” means such Minor’s parent or legal guardian or other individual attending the Event who is over the age of eighteen (18) and acting in loco parentis for such Minor. Please see the event’s terms of participation to confirm the age requirements for entry.